About S.C. Payne

S.C. Payne (Sita, pronounced see-tah)

I was born in an ashram in LA to hippie parents.

I attended college at Jacksonville University and have a degree in philosophy.  I attended the inaugural Writing Excuses Retreat with the Hugo-award winning cast of Writing Excuses in 2013.

I am an avid gamer, most notably board games, and have a large collection.  In spite of a busy life, my gaming group visits most every Saturday night.  Some favorites: Agricola, Glory to Rome, Trajan, Battlestar Gallactica, Airplanes, Power Grid, Thurn and Taxis, Kings of Air and Steam, Puerto Rico, and Monty Python Fluxx.

I currently live in Jacksonville with my husband, children and shih-tzu.  I write speculative fiction for children and adults.